Tuesday 6 November 2012

*panda noises*

I was going to write a blog about the things in life that I had accepted, but then something awful and unthinkable happened.. I lost Katie Kitten!
Who is this mysterious, unidentifiable creature you might ask, she's been my best friend since I've been about 3 months old although she doesn't talk much she's always there when I need someone to cry to. Katie, formally known as Katie Kitten, is a battered down Teddy Bear who has had less washes then your favourite jammy bottoms. I have accepted the hard cold facts that if I lost Katie there would be no reason left to live.. As drastic as that sounds its the whole truth really.

I've accepted other thing too;
I've accepted that when I shave my legs the night before, they won't be extremely soft during school the next day. I've accepted that in the winter time the Nutella will be hard and if i want to make a sandwich I'll have to put some on a plate and in the microwave. I've accepted that Roy will never write a song about me (if someone were to see this and ask him to write one for my birthday which is February the 24th I'd probably love you all forever!!). I've accepted that when I go to see the Ginger Jesus or the name e sometimes goes by Ed Sheeran, that Rupert Grint won't be on stage and I can't change that. Harry Potter, however strong my feelings are for him, is a fictional character who doesn't actually exists in the big wide world that Maeve lives in.. Although I have no doubt that if he were a real person he'd beg me to marry him and we'd name all our children after Shakespearian characters! I also can accept that the people I talk to now probably won't remember my name in 40 years. I'll never look like Beyoncé and yeah, I can accept that to some extent. If all I eat is Ben and Jerry's or the bet part of 3 days I'll get fat and if I'm going to be the person I want to be I have to put in the work. I've accepted that transition year will end and sometime soon I'll have to study again.

There are some things that at the age of 15 I can't accept though.. Like how someone can always be happy. How people can be so strong and be suffering on the inside because its less messy to hide it. I can't accept how Ed Sheeran doesn't make everyone in life feel extremely great all the time, how someone can make you feel so good for so long and then one day just nothing. How one day you die and all the lights are turned off in our brain and thats it, gone. I can't accept how people just forget you or stop caring.

That's about it for now.
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Teenage Wizard xo

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