Saturday 2 November 2013

because Anne Frank's Dad

This one time (not at band camp) Anne Frank's Dad spoke about how parents don't really know their own children, which is extremely upsetting, but somewhat true, so here it goes..
Here is Maeve Anna Cassidy in a blog post:

I like my toast when its like crispy warm bread, and is like a kind of caramel colour. I like when other adults talk to my parents about me and how I'm good at something. I like when people tell me I'm reaching my full potential, and when they're proud of me for doing that. I like the way our Irish teachers talks to everyone in the class as individual that he seems actually concerned about. I like when humans ask you about you, what you like, what you don't like, if you read, what you read, what's your favourite thing to read, how many times have you read it. When people think you're good and they tell you that they think you're good instead of telling other people. I like smiling t strangers that smile back. I like when people you used to be friends with acknowledge that the relationship you shared was sacred to only you both. I like the way that all the people who went to Poland have that bond because of what we witnessed. I like when people now how I like my tea. I like to think that I'm really windswept and interesting but lets face it, I'm actually not. I like when people ring you and tell you nice things by surprise.
I like surprises very much.

I'm clinging onto my fear of spiders just so I have a fear other than the fear of losing people who are really close to me. When I'm sad I don't like to listen to Ed Sheeran because I just get even sadder at the fact he's not my boyfriend. Even though I get embarrassed when they start singing in Glee I love to watch it religiously. Ms O'Shea is my favourite teacher ever because she treats us as humans and that makes me feel good. I don't think I want to write when I grow up, because when you have to do something you love everyday you stop loving it as much and I don't want to sop loving to write because its one of the only things I do love to do. I'd love to be really into all these music artists but I'm purely too lazy to download all their music. Thomas (Tom) Doyle is my best friend. I don't like to wash Katie Kitten because her patterns come off and I never want to forget what she looks like when I'm older. Ice-cream makes my teeth hurt and I wrote a song when I was like 8 and every time I think about the demonic thing it makes me cringe really bad and I hate it. I'd really like my hair to be really long like my Mum's was when she was younger but I don't have the patience to let it grow. There's something about pregnant people that make me feel uneasy and I've felt that way for years. The family never named that cat we found last year so I tell people its name is Kat, Kat with a K. I'd love people to call me Maeve Anna because Hazel was called Hazel Grace in the Fault in Our Stars. I enjoy marshmallows so much that it makes me sad sometimes. I like to think that people live again and that everyone gets to fall in love at least once.
I enjoy the rain when its warm outside, not when its cold.. Does anyone like cold rain? I'm getting an Nintendo for Christmas (hopefully) and I'd really lots and lots like it to be green but I don't think they make them in green so I wouldn't mind blue. This is because green and blue are my favourite colours next to purple. Purple's my favourite colour in the whole world. If I had long fingernails I'd paint them yellow all the time. I've been asking Tom to string my guitar for months because I want to start playing, but he hasn't gotten around to it yet.. I don't like being outside in the dark. I'm really impressionable. It makes me really sad when people don't like me.

I often wonder if people will remember my name this time 40 years.. Idk.
Just Your Average Teenage Wizard xo

Friday 1 November 2013

fab fab fab

Ehm, I guess once again I'm procrastinating. I received 43 page views yesterday which is actually the best thing ever. I'm going to hope to god that it wasn't Tom refreshing the page over and over again but regardless I'm not going to complain.
Jen and I had a divine burst of inspiration out of nowhere in particular to make a vlog, but I don't think we're going to embarrass ourselves in such a way as to never regain our dignity. I put my hands up to anyone that does vlog, you must be really comfortable in your own skin, really okay with yourself to do it. Well done you!
So, as I'm sitting here, in the library, in Gorey, with my dear Jenten (who I'm secretly hoping will bring me home for dinner).

News update: I'm going back to Jen's house this evening, woo woo woo.
We went on an adventure around town  and we're back up in the library now. Jen keeps talking to me about turtles, I don't mind, I like her company.
I've had an epiphany, for my 17th birthday, everyone that attends will have to wear fairy wings. I'm not even joking, its gonna be amazing! I think mine will have to be purple, because my Doc Martins are purple and the Creepers I am getting for Christmas will be purple (thanks Siobhan, love you) and my life is kind of purple. Not like a lilac purple, but a proper purple, the kind of purple that makes you feel not safe, but on edge, like excited!
I do like the times I spend with Jenten, she writes letters to me. My favourite thing is when people write me letters, because you know that thy are written to you, nobody else.. And the thing I love is that they spend all this time with only you on their mind. Am I making any sense? Probably not. How and ever, I do like letters a lot, I like when I receive them so yeah, don't be shy!

I'll see you all soon.
All my love,
Just Your Average Teenage Wizard xo

Thursday 31 October 2013

"aw cool can I read it later?"

I want to apologize, maybe not to the rest of you, although I'm sure me writing again will fill that gap in every single one of your hearts, especially my Godfathers; because all he does in my opinion is listen to jazz music. Bless your soul Des, I love you loads! But yes, I wanted to apologize, to myself really. Believe it or not I've missed writing, I've missed the thought of humans wanting to write too. But I'm back.
While this blog post is purely an act of procrastinating and waiting for Thomas Doyle to arrive in the library, I think that since I'm alone and at peace with my thoughts now is a better time than any.
It was about this time last year that I decided to record my life because as I said 'its far too interesting not to write down.' and truth be told, a lot has happened in the last 365 days. For starters I've been to Nandos, and Italy, and the West End! Unfortunately I'm down a Grandparent but its okay, because he lived for a very long time and did very many beautiful things and really what more could you want in life? I've met several members of my family for the first time, I've probably eaten my body weight x3 in milka daim bars.
I've also read a very many books; books about people who fall in love and books about people who die. Books about people who fall in love and then die and books about people who fall in love with people who die. Mighty exciting.

So once again I will start off small, because I wouldn't expect anyone to want to read a heap of words from me when everyone knows there's a massive 'Maeve hasn't written in about 11 months' elephant in the room.
I wont finish with something cheesy and horrible because I'm not a fluffy and inspirational, I'm just fluffy!

But I will leave you with this, it is my reward to you for being such a cool cucumber for reading my latest blog post.. For the first three weeks of my life I didn't have a name, so my Mum and Dad called me 'Cheese'. I am now giving you full permission to call me Cheese also, I think its kind of quirky..*smirk*

That is all from me then!
Carry on with your lives,
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Teenage Wizard xo

Thursday 24 January 2013

k bye

I'm flicking through my list of blogs because I'm fabulous, we already knew that though. Alot of my blog post are actually drafts, its probably because I have no determination to do anything that doesn't involve something amazing at the end. What amazing thing does writing involve? Today I came home from school early, it was because I've been feeling worn out and under the weather recently. It happens to alot of people at the kinda time in January so I'm not too worried. I think I'm bagpacking tomorrow but its during Japanese and with Cáitlín so I'm pretty excited about it.
It's still before 9, but it feels so much later.. I think I'll sleep tonight which is really great because I'm finding it hard to sleep. Maybe its not that I'm finding it hard to sleep at all, only waking. Waking up is reasonably hard but I think thats because I'm a teenager and its dark when I wake up.
I've been listening to the song Falling Slowly on loop for the last half hour and the urge to cry is becoming much greater every time. I think that mypod should just be full of songs that make me feel both really happy and sad all at the same time, because those kind of songs are so gorgeous in my opinion, because they're so proper. When you listen to them you think "Somebody must have really felt something towards another huan being to write a song like this. To be able to make people who have never spoken to the writer feel in a way that only happens so rarely." Its really beautiful.

But anyway yes, it's my birthday this day next month! Well, it is the day of my birth which I share with Tom Doyle and Steve Jobs, but more so Tom Doyle because we're the same age. While talking to Marie in woodwork today I tried to persuade her once more to rent out the hall in Ferns for her birthday, because it would be amazing banter and you get two bouncy castles thrown in. What more could you want honestly? I know John-ster the Monster Kehoe-ster the Toaster and I would find this situation extremely entertaining.
As for my birthday I dont not have a clue.. But any ideas would be very much appreciated and maybe taken on board.
Oh and Jen, if you're reading this; Stay Proud(y)

All my love guys,
Just your Average Teenage Wizard xo

Wednesday 9 January 2013


I have this empty feeling in my tummy. Its not because I'm hungry, I never let myself get hungry because I'm pretty much a fat mess. But yeah, its an empty feeling. So I'll sit here with my ladybird earphones in, listening to songs that will probably result in me bursting into tears. I don't even know whats wrong, you know when all of a sudden you feel really small, as if you don't matter and that everything you've ever done is useless and that all your dreams are actually really small and meaningless. I don't know what this sinking feeling is, myself and Tom are fine, my family are fine, I was talking to my Mum's Mum earlier who is fine, I'm going to see Ed on Saturday which is well, much more than fine.
Speaking of Ed, I'm going with Iseabail. Last week me and Iseabail and her cousin Kayley watched the Perks Of Being A Wallflower (if anyone has the book I'd much appreciate if I could borrow it and read it because the movie was beautiful). But that's not what I'm on about, there's a quote in this story that I, Maeve, have fallen for. This quote says "so, this is my life and I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be". Although I have so much to be excited for in 2013, I just don't think I have the energy for it.
Albus Dumbledore was a man of many famous words, he once told me that numbing the pain for a while will only make it worse when I finally decide to feel it, but I'm not sure what pain I'm numbing. How can you heal from something you're not one hundred percent you're sure you felt before hand? I've closed my facebook tab to the things that I don't want to see, it makes me feel relaxed that I know nothing can pop up on the tab to give me a fright or make me wish I had done something differently, nothing in particular, just things in general.
I'm decided to listen to Snow Patrol because I don't think they're praised enough for their amazing work, my favourite song of theirs is 'You Could Be Happy'. I recall one memory of this song, I was on facebook at the time actually.. But I'll never forget how that link made me feel; it was as if I felt proud of myself for introducing this song into other peoples lives, people that I wanted in my life so badly. Most of you will have no idea what I'm talking about, but one or two will.
I've decided to replay the song over and over because I find listening to it is almost like lying on clouds, or sleeping in on a Saturday.
I think it's Ben & Jerry's ice-cream I need, caramel chew-chew! If anyone would be a baby doll and bring me some I'd probably marry you and we could live in the magical world inside my head forever.
I thought I'd leave with one more quote, I know a beautiful girl; she's so important to me and I could trust her with anything, she's so uncool that it's cool and I could talk to her forever and never get bored. I hope she knows who she is, if she doesn't she'll know right now. The quote is 'If I get it all down on paper, it's no longer inside of me threatening the life it belongs to.'
I couldn't be without you girl x x

See you all later boyos,
Just Your Average Teenage Wizard xo

Wednesday 2 January 2013


I asked Ciara what I should write about and she gave me the suggestion to write about all the Justin Bieber posters that I've found all over the bedroom wall that the door is on. I found these posters in my room as I went to get mypod charger for Dad. Whereas beforehand the wall looks naked and unloved it now looks happy and comforted, almost as if for a long time the wall had depression and nobody knew and then all of a sudden someone looked right at the wall and asked if it was proper alright, the wall replies saying no and sits down and cries for a long time but it has someone there to listen.. After this the wall decides that he's (the wall is now a boy) not alone and thinks to himself that there will always be reason to live, so the wall lives. The wall clothed itself in beautiful posters of famous boys and calenders to remind the girls who inabite the room that there will always be a tomorrow and there will always be a day after that.
I'm drinking from a Butter Beer mug at the moment because I'm a wizard an its real for me and all this kinda jazz, I dont think normal wizards have laptops but I dont mind, because lets face it guys, I'm a groovey wizard. I reckon my Hogwarts letter is well lost, I dont think the wizarding world would be able to deal with me though, so I'm gonna embrace my none magical traits and write instead.
You probably all know this already, but I'm going to write about loosely based around my life! If you care enough to read the blog you'll probably be featured in it, exact Ginger, if you're reading this and you tell me you've read it I'll well write you your own book, I promise. The book will be called something like 'Maeve is greatly holy!' and on the back there will be no blurb, written in small letters will be the words 'Thats why the book is so big, its so full of secrets.'. The book will probably consist of the adventures of my life, I'll stick an embarrassing picture or two in it aswell, this picture will more than likely contain Iseabail.

I guess thats it for now,
Just your average Teenage Wizard xo