Monday 29 October 2012

Meow like a cat

I decided to write another blog this morning. I like the idea of people reading my blog and knowing little things about me, because I think that if I were to tell someone on a one on one basis it wouldn't have the same affect! To all the people that read the blog I posted last night, thank you from the bottom of my fist sized heart. The thought that you all got a laugh from it or even read it makes me so happy, you all have no idea how much it means to me.

I'm 5ft 4 and a half inches, so that means I'm an inch smaller than Daniel Radcliffe, who is going to play me in the movie I'm making loosely based around my life. My hair was dark brown, but then I dyed it ginger so that I could be the 8th Weasley child.. I then dyed it back brown, but a lighter brown than it was originally! I got an A in English in my junior cert and my English teacher was shocked because she told my Dad I'd never amount to more than a C, I showed her! I have a younger brother and two older step sisters (but they're not really step sisters because our parents aren't married..). We have two dogs, Buster and Ellie and we have ponies too, they're adorable. I bite my nails when I'm bored, cold, tired, anxious, lonely or scared and i can't sleep with the lights on. I have Sean the Sheep curtains in my room and I still sleep with a teddy bear, her name is Katie Kitten. I like listening to Ed Sheeran more than I like listening to anythig in the world and i have serious problems with myself.. I believe we live again. I think that everything happens for a reason and that one day everything works out.

That's it for now,
Your friendly neighbourhood Teenage Wizard xo

Sunday 28 October 2012

The introduction to a Teenage Wizard's life.

I've decided at the tender age of 15 I will write a blog. It is not because I want you all to follow and praise me, which I wouldn't mind, but its because I, Maeve Cassidy, think my life is far too interesting not to document. Although you might disagree!

I was very  unsure of what to write about in this first..article? Would you call it an article? I don't know.. But anyway back to point.  I was very unsure what to write about, so i thought about all the things i like and then the idea came to mind that on this first writing expedition of the Interweb I'd tell you all the things i like. So here it goes..:

I like old movies, I've never seen not one of the godfathers though. I like the Beatles and John Lennon was probably my favourite. I like lying on my bed in my room just after its been cleaned  because to tell you all the truth, it makes me feel like a boss. I like when its only slightly raining and you're walking in it with fluffy socks on so your feet are warm and dry! I like making new friends and finding out things about people that i don't know. I like those little moments between sleep and awake when nothing bad can happen to you. When I'm sad and my iPod knows to play Ed Sheeran, because he's the Ginger Jesus. When my Daddy comes up behind me and grabs onto me and won't let me go, even though I always tell him to get lost, I secretly like it. I like when people call me adorable, or when I can make them laugh untill they cry. I really like when people tell me how like my Mum I am and how she'd be so proud of me, because she's not here to tell me herself. I like music and I like listening to people play the guitar. I like when i come home from school and put Jeremy Kyle on at half four. I like Harry Potter and the Hunger Games! I like when you're reading a book and nothing else matters and for the duration of the story you find yourself being someone else, being somewhere else and you think that maybe if you could live in this book forever that would be enough. When you wake up early and realise its a Saturday and go back to sleep, I like that. I like the colour purple and the colour green. I like being really excited for something, but I always squeal loud and high pitched and everyone else mindlessly hates that. Or when people surprise you by stating something about you that you didn't think they'd remember. I like talking to people, just one on one. I like Fleetwood Mac, David Gray and Mumford & Sons. I like the time I spend with my friend Iseabail because although we only get to see eachother at maximum four weeks in a year, when i see her its like we were never apart. I like rock-shandy. I like complaining and being very dramatic! I like chicken burgers and my dog, Buster.

So yeah, I guess I like being alive. It's alright.

I think that's everything!
Just an average Teenage Wizard xo