Saturday 2 November 2013

because Anne Frank's Dad

This one time (not at band camp) Anne Frank's Dad spoke about how parents don't really know their own children, which is extremely upsetting, but somewhat true, so here it goes..
Here is Maeve Anna Cassidy in a blog post:

I like my toast when its like crispy warm bread, and is like a kind of caramel colour. I like when other adults talk to my parents about me and how I'm good at something. I like when people tell me I'm reaching my full potential, and when they're proud of me for doing that. I like the way our Irish teachers talks to everyone in the class as individual that he seems actually concerned about. I like when humans ask you about you, what you like, what you don't like, if you read, what you read, what's your favourite thing to read, how many times have you read it. When people think you're good and they tell you that they think you're good instead of telling other people. I like smiling t strangers that smile back. I like when people you used to be friends with acknowledge that the relationship you shared was sacred to only you both. I like the way that all the people who went to Poland have that bond because of what we witnessed. I like when people now how I like my tea. I like to think that I'm really windswept and interesting but lets face it, I'm actually not. I like when people ring you and tell you nice things by surprise.
I like surprises very much.

I'm clinging onto my fear of spiders just so I have a fear other than the fear of losing people who are really close to me. When I'm sad I don't like to listen to Ed Sheeran because I just get even sadder at the fact he's not my boyfriend. Even though I get embarrassed when they start singing in Glee I love to watch it religiously. Ms O'Shea is my favourite teacher ever because she treats us as humans and that makes me feel good. I don't think I want to write when I grow up, because when you have to do something you love everyday you stop loving it as much and I don't want to sop loving to write because its one of the only things I do love to do. I'd love to be really into all these music artists but I'm purely too lazy to download all their music. Thomas (Tom) Doyle is my best friend. I don't like to wash Katie Kitten because her patterns come off and I never want to forget what she looks like when I'm older. Ice-cream makes my teeth hurt and I wrote a song when I was like 8 and every time I think about the demonic thing it makes me cringe really bad and I hate it. I'd really like my hair to be really long like my Mum's was when she was younger but I don't have the patience to let it grow. There's something about pregnant people that make me feel uneasy and I've felt that way for years. The family never named that cat we found last year so I tell people its name is Kat, Kat with a K. I'd love people to call me Maeve Anna because Hazel was called Hazel Grace in the Fault in Our Stars. I enjoy marshmallows so much that it makes me sad sometimes. I like to think that people live again and that everyone gets to fall in love at least once.
I enjoy the rain when its warm outside, not when its cold.. Does anyone like cold rain? I'm getting an Nintendo for Christmas (hopefully) and I'd really lots and lots like it to be green but I don't think they make them in green so I wouldn't mind blue. This is because green and blue are my favourite colours next to purple. Purple's my favourite colour in the whole world. If I had long fingernails I'd paint them yellow all the time. I've been asking Tom to string my guitar for months because I want to start playing, but he hasn't gotten around to it yet.. I don't like being outside in the dark. I'm really impressionable. It makes me really sad when people don't like me.

I often wonder if people will remember my name this time 40 years.. Idk.
Just Your Average Teenage Wizard xo

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