Tuesday 25 December 2012


I've just taken 3 teaspoons of Calpol and I'm sitting on the green chair in the sitting room that I basically haven't moved all day. My head is pounding and although I've asked the Ginger if he'll bring me painkillers and he's agreed to it, I highly doubt he will. Staring at the bright screen is hurting my eyes so I've unplugged the charger. Me unplugging the charger results in the screen being dimmer n less painful to look at, clever girl Maeve.
The parents are watching 'Circus the something I am unable to spell' (not the actual name). But anyway, its really relaxing and its not making me use my brain too much and I like that. Although the people doing the act are very strong an its very beautiful, I don't think I'd like to be able to do it very much because they're all really strong and muscly and I don't think that's very attractive, not in women anyway..
Tomorrow Daddy will drive up to Louth with Jack and I in the car, It'll take about two hours, if not more. There are different reasons that it might take more than two hours but I don't want to bore you more than I already do. We'll get to Nana and Granda's and they'll probably feed us as soon as we get in. I'll hug aunty Siobhan and Fran if she's there, there's really a 50/50 chance she will be. I'll probably open some presents and then be fed some more, and some more, and probably some more. That consists of my tomorrow.
I've moved in beside Ciara, she smells nice so my life is good (except for the banging headache that is slowly calming down). She got a kindle for Christmas and throughout the day she'd read out silly sentences in her books that would make me titter.We're getting real close again, I'm really glad.
We're watching the Social Network now. I really like it so far, its kinda clever. To be ironic about the whole thing, every now and then I check facebook, its a really slow night for news.
I dont really have alot else to say I guess, my head is starting to hurt again..

I guess I'll go then guys, smell ye later.
Just your average teenage wizard xo

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